Latest Past Events

Teddy Bears Picnic

Belvior Castle Grantham

17805||medium   YOU are invited to Rosie May’s Teddy Bear’s Picnic at Belvoir Castle!! Sunday 12th May 2019 Entry from 12pm/ performances to start at 2pm Our charity patron, The Duchess of Rutland, has kindly donated access to the grounds of Belvoir Castle for Rose May’s Teddy Bear’s picnic. We would like to invite families...


Global Tea Party!

This May, host your own tea party to help us feed hungry children in Nepal with nutritious school meals, at the Meselme School which we rebuilt following the 2015 earthquake. For many children this is their only nutritious meal, which improves health, classroom performance and attendance. £10 feeds a child for a whole month. Can...

Virgin London Marathon

This Is the Big One! The most iconic marathon in the world! A world record number of people have entered the ballot for the 2019 Virgin London Marathon (414,168 to be exact). If you are one of the many thousands to get a ballot place then we would love you to join our team as...